Changes in Tax Legislation

08.02.2012 | 13:30
08.02.2012 | 17:00
Hotel Crowne Plaza, London & Rome Conference Room, Bratislava
Mitgliedsgebühr: 0,00 €
Nichtmitgliedsgebühr: 0,00 €



Ivan Mikloš, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of SR

• Current Changes in Tax Legislation of the Government - Q&A

Bart Waterloos, Partner, VGD - AVOS TAX k.s.

• Changes in the Income Tax (Physical Persons and Legal Entities)

Barbora Sečová, LL.M., Tax Advisor, Partner BMB Leitner

• The Most Important Changes and Court Cases in VAT

Peter Feiler, Tax Advisor, Ernst & Young

• Tax Administration Code and Experience from Tax Audits

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