Slovak Elections 2012: Business Perspective

14.02.2012 | 16:00
Hotel Radisson Blu Carlton
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We would like to invite you to a pre-election debate with political parties

“Slovak Elections 2012: Business Perspective”

followed by a business cocktail with invited political elites, ambassadors and diplomats, as well as economic experts from business sector and influential think tanks.

The main purpose of the discussion with political parties is to provide an opportunity for the Slovak and international business community in Slovakia to learn about the programs that the parties would like to implement, should they become members of the government coalition after the elections. Each session will also focus on the current and future economic developments, particularly on issues crucial for a competitive business environment.

The party leaders from all of the main political parties have been invited: Ján Figeľ (KDH), Béla Bugár (Most-Híd), Richard Sulík (SaS), Mikuláš Dzurinda (SDKÚ-DS), Róbert Fico (SMER-SD). Their deputies/vice-chairmen have also been invited: Pavol Hrušovský (KDH), Ivan Švejna (Most-Híd), Juraj Miškov (SaS), Ivan Mikloš (SDKÚ-DS), Pavol Paška (SMER-SD). 

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