Foreign Chambers Open Golf Tournament 2014

30.05.2014 | 08:45
30.05.2014 | 15:00
Golf Club Welten Báč
Mitgliedsgebühr: 85,00 €
Nichtmitgliedsgebühr: 85,00 €


Time Schedule: 

8:45 Arrival and registration of teams, breakfast 

9:45 Opening remarks 

10:00 Beginning of the tournament 

15:00 Expected end of tournament, reception & Award Ceremony in Golf Club Welten, Báč


18 holes Texas scramble. The team consists of at least three players. If your team consists of only one or two players, we will coordinate you to another team. All four players hit a ball and the captain decides the best, then all players move their balls to the best choice, all players hit again from the best ball and the process is repeated until you hole out. 


European rules of Golf. For non-professional players only!


Foreign Chambers Open Golf Tournament Award (1st, 2nd, 3rd places)

Nearest to Pin

Longest drive women and men 

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